Welcome Our Newest Board Member, Carli Simms!

a blue and white graphic with an illustration of a megaphone and picture of Carli Simms. The BIASC logo is in the bottom left corner.

We're excited to share that Carli Simms is the newest member to join the Board of Directors for the Brain Injury Association of South Carolina (BIASC)!

Carli has been volunteering with BIASC since November 2021. She has been huge part of establishing and growing BrainStorm, our young adult support and advocacy group. Carli has volunteered her time to assist with the planning and facilitation of monthly peer support meetings, and has sat on presentation panels for monthly BrainStorm groups to provide an essential perspective to the group. She also participated in our annual Brain Injury Awareness events at the statehouse to spread education and awareness.

Carli originally reached out to us two months after her boyfriend completed suicide due to complications from multiple head injuries during his high school football career. She was looking for a sense of community and opportunity to find purpose and advocacy through her personal tragedy and experience.

Carli's insightful, genuine, and empathetic approach to peer support and connecting with others who have experienced brain injury in their lives has been a needed asset to the group and the work we do. We're thrilled to have her joining our board of directors and to continue working with Carli as an incredible advocate for individuals living with brain injury!


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