BIAA Releases 2023 Impact Report

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) released its 2023 Impact Report, "Creating Opportunities to Make a Difference." The comprehensive report documents the activities, offerings, and accomplishments celebrated by BIAA in 2023 and highlights the benefits brought to the brain injury community.

The 2023 Impact Report is a testament to BIAA's commitment to its mission, featuring heartfelt testimonials from individuals who participated in or utilized BIAA’s programs, services, resources, and events. These personal stories emphasize the transformative impact BIAA has had on their lives, underscoring the organization's role as a vital resource and advocate for those affected by brain injury.

The Impact Report also sheds light on the behind-the-scenes work that paved the way for many of BIAA's groundbreaking initiatives and endeavors that have come to fruition in 2024. These include the Luminary of the Year campaign and the strategic three-year plan unveiled at the end of 2023.

The year began with the return of the in-person Brain Injury Business Practice College designed to help leaders and decision-makers in the neuro rehab community ensure access to high-quality care for patients with brain injury. Attendees gathered in San Antonio to learn about industry trends and best business practices around human resource management, operations, finance, marketing, and more. It was a wonderful opportunity to gather and network face-to-face.

March marked Brain Injury Awareness Month when BIAA facilitated meetings on Capitol Hill to advocate for funding for state partnership programs. These programs play a crucial role in connecting survivors and their families with local resources.

In 2023, the Concussion Awareness Now Coalition kicked into full gear. By partnering with Abbott to co-chair this dedicated coalition of organizations, BIAA made significant strides in dispelling the myth that concussions are not serious injuries. With the debut of several PSAs featuring the Melon Family, the coalition reached millions of people, educating them about the risks associated with concussions.

In addition to these major initiatives, BIAA hosted several webinars and Facebook fundraising challenges, while incredible affiliates organized their unique events across the country. The annual conference provided a platform for exchanging ideas and plans for 2024 and beyond.

2023 was a landmark year for BIAA, representing a major step forward in shaping a hopeful future for brain injury survivors and caregivers. The strategic vision calls for serving more survivors and caregivers as the go-to source for advice, education, and advocacy nationally and at the state level. BIAA aims to engage with more partners and allies, expand research opportunities, and increase the number of certified specialists who understand and treat brain injury. These goals will help encourage a stronger quality of care.

With BIAA leading the way, there is hope for a future where brain injuries are recognized, diagnosed, treated, and covered, giving survivors and their caregivers the tools they need to manage their lives and enjoy the quality of life they deserve. The collective commitment and courage of survivors and caregivers, the compassionate dedication of the BIAA staff under Rick’s leadership, the guidance from the Board of Directors and volunteers, and the devotion of state leaders all contribute to a resilient and hopeful community.

The Brain Injury Association of South Carolina is proud to support BIAA’s efforts and looks forward to the continued progress and positive impact on the brain injury community.


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